Saturday, 12 September 2015

Ranking the Harry Potter Movies

No.8: Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

The Harry Potter movie franchise stands as my favourite movie franchise of all time and while I consider the 2nd film in the series as its weakest effort, there is still a lot I enjoy about it. The special effects are a big step up from the first movie and many of the actions sequences are brilliantly done, particularly anything involving the flying Ford Anglia. 
 One of the issues with Chamber of Secrets however is the length of the movie. At nearly 150 minutes long (minus credits), it stands as the longest of the franchise despite being based on the 2nd shortest of the books (Deathly Hallows is the longest if counted as one film in 2 parts) and often slow pace causes some problems, especially towards the end of the movie. The film is also guilty of committing one of the biggest no nos in terms of adapting movies based on books by copying too much of the dialogue from the book. 
However despite its flaws, Chamber of Secrets is still a decent entry in the Harry Potter movie franchise and on a much higher level than most weak links in movie franchise history.

*** out of 5

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